Text to ASCII/Hex/Binary Converter

Text to ASCII/Hex/Binary Converter is a powerful tool that allows you to convert plain text into its ASCII, hexadecimal, and binary representations

ASCII result will appear here


This Text to ASCII/Hex/Binary Converter is a powerful tool that allows you to convert plain text into its ASCII, hexadecimal, and binary representations. It's useful for various purposes, including data encoding, cryptography, and understanding how computers represent text internally.

How to Use

  1. Enter or paste your text into the input field at the top of the page.
  2. The converter will automatically generate the ASCII, hexadecimal, and binary representations.
  3. Use the tabs to switch between different representations.
  4. Click the "Copy" button to copy the desired representation to your clipboard.
  5. Use the "Clear" button to reset the input and all conversions.

Tips and Tricks

  • ASCII values range from 0 to 127, representing standard English characters and control codes.
  • Hexadecimal uses base-16, with digits from 0-9 and A-F. Each ASCII character is represented by two hexadecimal digits.
  • Binary uses base-2, with only 0s and 1s. Each ASCII character is represented by 8 binary digits (bits).
  • You can use this tool to encode messages or create visual patterns with binary or hexadecimal representations.
  • For programming tasks, you can use the hexadecimal output to represent characters in many programming languages (e.g., '\x41' for 'A' in C).
  • The binary output can be useful for understanding bitwise operations or creating binary art.