URL Slug Creator

Convert any text into a clean, SEO-friendly URL slug.

About URL to Slug Creator

The URL to Slug Creator is a handy tool designed to convert any text into a clean, SEO-friendly URL slug. Whether you're building websites, blogs, or e-commerce platforms, this tool ensures your slugs are optimized for search engines and easy to read. Customize the output to fit your preferences with options for separators, case settings, and more.

How to Use URL to Slug Creator?

  1. Enter or paste your text in the input field.
  2. The slug is automatically generated based on your settings.
  3. Customize your slug with the following options:
    • Select a separator character (hyphen, underscore, dot, none, or custom).
    • Choose between lowercase, uppercase, or capitalize casing.
    • Adjust the slug length using the slider for a maximum length limit.
    • Toggle the option to remove common stop words for cleaner slugs.
    • Add custom replacements for specific characters or words.
  4. Click the "Randomize" button to generate a random slug for testing.
  5. Click "Copy" to copy the slug to your clipboard.

Key Features

  • Automatic slug generation from text input.
  • Choose from different separator options (hyphen, underscore, dot, none, or custom).
  • Adjust case (lowercase, uppercase, capitalize) for slug.
  • Maximum length control for slug output.
  • Option to remove common stop words for cleaner slugs.
  • Custom character/word replacement feature.
  • Random input generation for testing.
  • One-click copy to clipboard functionality.

Tips and Tricks

  • Use hyphens for SEO-friendly slugs as search engines prefer them.
  • Capitalize the slug for titles or headers to make them stand out visually.
  • Remove stop words like "and", "the", or "of" to create shorter, cleaner slugs.
  • Set a maximum length for slugs to ensure URLs remain user-friendly.
  • Test various separators to see which fits your site's style or branding best.
  • Use custom replacements to maintain consistency in branding or style (e.g., replacing "&" with "and").

Custom Separator Explanation

The custom separator feature allows you to define your own unique separator for the URL slug. This gives you more flexibility in how words are separated in the final slug.

How It Works

  1. In the "Separator" dropdown, select "Custom".
  2. A new input field will appear labeled "Custom Separator".
  3. Enter any character or string you want to use as a separator in this field.
  4. The slug generator will use this custom separator to join words in the slug.


  • Using "|" as a custom separator:
    Input: "This is a test"
    Output: "this|is|a|test"
  • Using "+" as a custom separator:
    Input: "Custom separator example"
    Output: "custom+separator+example"
  • Using "--" as a custom separator:
    Input: "Multiple character separator"
    Output: "multiple--character--separator"

Important Notes

  • The custom separator can be any character or string, including special characters and spaces.
  • Be cautious when using special characters, as some may not be URL-friendly.
  • The custom separator is used in place of spaces and other non-alphanumeric characters in the input text.
  • Leading and trailing occurrences of the custom separator are removed from the final slug.
  • The custom separator is respected when applying casing options (lowercase, uppercase, or capitalize).

Use Cases

  • Creating slugs for systems that require specific separators.
  • Generating unique identifiers with custom formatting.
  • Adapting to different URL structures or naming conventions.

Remember, while custom separators offer flexibility, it's important to consider URL best practices and ensure your chosen separator doesn't conflict with URL parsing or cause issues with your target system.